X:27 T:Old Grey Cat %C: F:http://www.fiddlelessons.co.uk/group_tunes_index.htm %"This is E Dorian so should be in D with no accidentals" - Jim Z:Key changed from G to D - RLW 1 November 2019 %R: M:4/4 L:1/8 %Q: K:D !invisible!|: "Em"e2 e2 E3 F | GFGA BABc | "D"d2 d2 D3 E | FAdB AFED | "Em"e2 e2 E3 F | GFGA BABc | "D"dcBA BAGF | "Em"E4 E4 :| |: "Em"B2 e2 e3 d | Bdef gfed | "D"A2 d2 d3 B | ABde fedf | "Em"e2 B2 "G"g2 B2 | "A"a2 B2 "Bm"b3 a | "Em"gfed "D"Bgfg | "Em"e4 e4 :|