I:abc-charset utf-8 X:1 T:The Orange Elephant R:Jig C:Ralph Butler, Peter Hart (1956) and Cliff Robinson (2020) %C:Butler/Hart 1957 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 K:Amaj P:A |:"A"cde cBA|c2c e2e|"D"fff agf|"A"e3 c3| w:1.Don-ny the Pres-id-ent shook his hair and pou-ted a-gain at the cam' ras w:2.Don-ny he pout-ed and slit his eyes and did_ that thing with his fin' gers "D"d2d BBB|"A"eee c3|1"E"g3 "B"f3|"E"e3 "E7"dcB:|2"Bm"f3 "E"G3|"A"A3| w:1.Ram-bled on with a trum-et-ty-trump: Trump! Trump! Trump! w:2.Off he went with a trump-et-ty trump:||| Trump! Trump! Trump! K:Am P:B z3B3 |: "Am"c2z "E7"B2z | "Am"A2z A2B | c2c edc | "E7"B3 z2B | w: 1.It's |not his |fault: some-one |else must car-ry the |blame He w:2. It's all false news He pays hard-ly a-n-y tax He's B2B BBB | "Bm"eeB B2B | "B7"^f2B B2B | "E"e3 "E7"z3 :| w:1.failed to act on co-ro-na vi-rus and that will be his shame w:2.he's~so in the red he's start-ing to get A rud-dier shade of orange W:(chorus:) W:Donny the President shook his hair and pouted again at the cam’ras W:Rambled on with a trumpety trump Trump! Trump! Trump! W:Donny he pouted and slit his eyes and did that thing with his fingers W:Off he went with a trumpety trump Trump! Trump! Trump! W: W:(verse:) W:There’s an elephant in the room And I’m worried what he’s gonna do W:Is he going to squash us all Or cover us all with poo? W:Some people say: his reasons for standing again W:He needs to be re-elected so his creditors can't foreclose! W:(repeat chorus)